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Art Is a Lie That Brings Us Nearer to the Truth

Statement nearly my piece of work.

Fine art is such a fascinating subject in the sense that information technology tin can exist used to express subconscious emotion and requite people confidence. It can vocalisation individuals opinions without them even having to say a discussion.
Art and way together is a masterpiece.
I'm currently studying Textiles, Business concern Studies and English at A level and tin always, without doubt, detect time for Art. I honey the vast array of textures and colours and the thought of being able to incorporate something I really enjoy into a difficult-working field of study. In my spare time I like to read fashion magazines, fashion blogs and visit art museums which all inspire me. I love learning near different historical events in fashion, for instance, the history of bras and people I feel have and still are playing a meaning role in fashion.
I visited the BA (Hons) Fashion grade at Manchester and direct away knew that this was the university for me. I loved the dandy amount of creative facilities, the friendliness and the city. Way is something that is extremely important to me, it gives me a corking sense of belonging and has the power to excite me more than anything.
Throughout my life I accept successfully kept jobs in various dissimilar places and worked hard at all my exams and coursework. I am a determined person who is eager to pursue a career in way and will work my very hardest in order to try and do and so. I am from a family unit of six children and then teamwork isn't a problem and love sharing ideas.
The pictures that I have included into this weblog as are all quite randomly put together (purposely). I wanted to show how diverse my skills are when in comes to fashion; that I am open up to drawing and designing, experimenting and researching and nearly of all creating.
I included dissimilar quotes from Picasso and fifty-fifty though unsure whether or non to do then, I annotated each of the pictures I uploaded in case their appearance was unclear.
My main goal is to complete a class in fashion and I realise that what I have done so far just merely scratches the surface of mode but I am very keen to larn a lot more.

(For some reason some of my images have gone onto 'older posts' merely if you scroll down to the bottom and click on that, the rest of them will exist at that place).


Gothic wedding wearing apparel

This is a Gothic blazon wedding wearing apparel I created and images of my friend modelling it.

My A2 volume (3)

This is an epitome of the 2 cone-bras that I created as a role of my project that have really inspired my last slice. I loved creating these because they expressed real femininity and diverseness.

My A2 volume (2)

These are some pages taken from the Lady Gaga department of my A2 project. One of my main studies was the introduction of the spectacular 'cone-bra' and I was able to incorporate Madonna equally she was one of the main people that fashioned the bra. I studied how lightning is used in fashion and photographed my beautiful friend wearing the lightning inspired tiptop I had created. Also on the Madonna folio I made a felt, corset cone-bra clothing, for an added affect I stuck pieces of glass on.

My A2 book (1)

These are some samples of what I am doing in my A2 volume. I've named my project 'Farthermost Personalities in Fashion'. On these pages I distressed and manipulated fur in social club to put accent on how animals are treated in this day and age. I besides explored the GREAT Alexander McQueen and his eccentric ways.


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